I’m extremely honoured and proud to be a Houndztooth Ambassador because I strongly believe in the ethos of this Brand. The all-natural grooming products smell and feel amazing, and help support my skin and coat health. They also take care of my insides, with hemp seed oil and an all-natural treat range. Plus the uber luxe pet accessories help this girl dog stay ahead of the pack! *winks*

Questions and Answers
What is the story behind your name?
Bronte is a Scottish name and I’m a Scottish breed. Plus mom wanted a name to compliment my brother (rip) Barney.
What is your breed and what type of coat do you have?
West Highland White Terrier and I have a strong double coat.
What is your REAL age in dog years?
My Birthday is 10th February 2013 so this year I’m turning 7.
Why is Houndztooth your preferred natural pet store?
Because the products are beautiful, and all natural (we are a chemical free home) and they actually work!!! They’re made in Melbourne and we love the fact that they are uber lux.
What is your favourite Houndztooth dog grooming product and why?
That’s a tough one, they’re all so good! I love the hemp seed and goats milk if my skin is irritated it’s really soothing and healing. The waterless shampoo is great for in-between baths, the mousse is super easy to direct and smells amazeballs.
What is your favourite Houndztooth pet product and why?
That’s a no- brainer!! I looove the hemp seed oil, I do circle when mom gets it out to put on my food! And the treats of course, because they taste sooo good (mom loves that they’re all natural as well! ).
Do you like being bathed, showered or going to the pet groomer?
I have baths at home in the laundry tub!
What is your most embarrassing SSB (secret single behaviour), you know the thing you like to do when no-one is ‘meant’ to be looking?
Well a lady never ever says … but sometimes I lick my va-jay-jay * blushes *
What is your favourite thing to do with your owner?
Walks…..walks…oh wait, did somebody say W A L K ?
What is your favourite Houndztooth treat?
If you could eat three foods the rest of your life, what would they be?
Cheese, Sardines and Crocodile
What silly name does your owner call you?
My Beauty, Pigeon, Monkey, Squidge, McGonnagles, Bronstar the Monstar, Punkin.
What is the naughtiest things you have done?
Oh I ate raw bread dough at the dog sitters, which fermented in my tummy and made me drunk as a skunk, but that also nearly killed me!
Where do you sleep?
In the laundry in my crate, I usally put myself to bed, I love my little den.
What do you think about when lying around?
When is my next meal?
What is your favourite Houndztooth pet accessory?
I love my beautiful marble dog bowl it’s simply stunning. If you had to ask mom, her favourite product would be the short lead, it keeps me in line and stops me from taking HER for a walk! * rolls eyes *
What is the most embarrassing thing you have done to your owner?
Got drunk! (see Q 13)
What is the craziest thing you have ever eaten?
You mean apart from the bread dough? Well, I did also eat one of moms stockings, some paper and half a kitchen sponge (in one sitting) when mom was out.. I had to go to the Dogtor and he made me throw it all up again ! What a waste!!!
What is the biggest mess you have made?
I’m not messy.
What is your favourite cafe to puppacino at?
The Little Woodpecker.
What is your favourite bottom sniffing, ball chasing park?
Damper Creek reserve.
Who is a member of your Houndz BFF pack?
Milo, Titch, Bob, Alfie, Bonnie, Jaquie and Bella.
What is your favourite Houndztooth dog shampoo blend?
Love Stella’s blend!
Did you graduate from puppy school?
Nope, I had lots of interaction with other dogs from a very young age.
Have you ever peed out of excitement?
Errr, ummm…. when I was younger I used to do it all the time!
Who do you think has the best floof you have ever seen?
Have you ever felt like you are a super model after being groomed with Houndztooth?
If you could have a doggy super power what would it be and what would you be called?
I’d like to be able to click my paws and have any food I wanted appear in front of me, and of the food I would eat, and I would not feel sick or gain weight on my thighs. I’d be called “The Inhaler” !
If you are a donut loving doggo and you could be a doughnut flavour what would you be and why?
Chocolate of course,(dog chocolate that is) Are there other flavours?
. If you had the attention of the doggy world for just 10 seconds, what would you say?
Be kind always.
If you could only keep one toy which one would you keep?
My sloth.
What three words would you use to describe yourself?
Cute, loyal and loveable.
How many pats do you need a day?
Urrrggh, I need my space. One if you have to!
If a genie gave you three wishes, what would you wish for?
A never ending supply of food I could eat non-stop and never put weight on my hips. A little sister To live on farm with lots of other animals around.
. Do you have any ‘human’ habits?
You mean I’m NOT human?
If you could talk to your owners, what would you say?
Seriously ?!!?
How long did you ~really~ take to be toilet trained?
One week for number twos and 9 days for number ones.
If you were a Hollywood celebrity, who would you be?
Jennifer Lawrence -she’s gorgeous and really funny too!
. If you could have any career in the world, what would you choose?
Quality control/taster at a cheese factory.
Ball or chew toy?