Frankie & Velvet Love
We are honoured to be part of such an amazing small and local business/team. The products are high end, so luxurious yet affordable. Not only do we love using them, we love displaying them, the branding is so modern. They are Australian Made, all natural with no hidden nasties. Only the best for us right #highpaw

Questions and Answers
What is the story behind your name?
Frankie: I was going to be called Baxter but when my hoomans met me they didn’t think I suited the name, they said I looked like Frankie the Frenchie. VL: My mama always loved the name Velvet but she waited to meet me to see if it suited me and she thought it did, my second name Love is because my mama found me on Valentine’s Day, she also happened to be watching the second series of ‘You’ at the time, the main characters names was Love and mama thought Velvet Love was the best name for me.
What is your breed and what type of coat do you have?
Both: We are French Bulldogs, our coat is soft because we use the best products – Houndztooth and we love to leave our glitter (fur) everywhere.
What is your REAL age in dog years?
Frankie: I’m almost 28 – my birthday is 28th November 2016 VL: I will be 7 on 5th February 2020
Why is Houndztooth your preferred natural pet store?
We love the brand, we love the owner and we love supporting small and local businesses. We have used a lot of products and they don’t compare to Houndztooth. Houndztooth are AH-MAZING! They are not only natural but they clean you with one wash, without having to use a lot of product, they leave you soft and smelling luxe. The other Houndztooth products are all natural and have many health benefits.
What is your favourite Houndztooth dog grooming product and why?
Both: Of course ours would be the Waterless Dog and Cat Shampoo Frankie and Felix’s Blend No.5, not only does it smell and work amazingly in between baths, it was named after yours truly (my bro).
What is your favourite Houndztooth pet product and why?
Frankie: This is a hard one as we love every product but how could you not love the marble bowls so, luxe, luxe, luxe. These would suit any home. VL: I am food obsessed so any of the clean treats (kangaroo is my fave but I love all) and also the Hemp Seed Oil, not only is it for optimum health, it tastes delish.
Do you like being bathed, showered or going to the pet groomer?
Both: We prefer to be showered but as I (Frankie) get ear infections from water, I now have to have baths.
What is your most embarrassing SSB (secret single behaviour), you know the thing you like to do when no-one is ‘meant’ to be looking?
Frankie: I’ve never humped anything or any pup so the hoomans were distraught when we went to a Frenchie meet up and I started humping, I don’t mind if it’s a girl or boy, I do it coz I’m excited and its fun. VL: If the hooman accidentally leaves her undies on the bathroom floor while showering, I steal them and chew on them. I also love to burp and toot out loud, so lady like.
What is your favourite thing to do with your owner?
Both: Snuggling in bed and then going to cafes, if we’re good, we get a side of bacon.
What is your favourite Houndztooth treat?
Both: All of them but if we had to choose one it would be Kangaroo.
If you could eat three foods the rest of your life, what would they be?
Frankie: Cheese, Bacon and Ice Cream VL: Any food
What silly name does your owner call you?
Frankie: Mr Magoo, Mr, Frank, Beautiful VL: VL, Fug, Bubby, Bubba, Mrs Sniffy, Miss Piggy, Puddy, Fuggy, Velly, Velly Girl, Miss VL, Miss Velly the list goes on…..
What is the naughtiest things you have done?
Frankie: Chewed the wall and skirting board VL: Chewed mamas stilettos
Where do you sleep?
Both: In the big bed of course
What do you think about when lying around?
Frankie: Sleep VL: Food
What is your favourite Houndztooth pet accessory?
Both: We love eating out of the marble bowls, they’re so luxurious the hooman wants to eat her dinner out of them. You feel like you’re a part of The Royal Family.
What is the most embarrassing thing you have done to your owner?
Frankie: Nothing, I’m a good boy VL: On my first professional photoshoot which just happened to be Houndztooth, I ate so many of the yummy treats, I sharted, lol
What is the craziest thing you have ever eaten?
Frankie: I’ve eaten the a part of the coffee table VL: I love eating stones
What is the biggest mess you have made?
Both: Us, make a mess? No way hehe
What is your favourite cafe to puppacino at?
Both: Too many to mention, we love getting around to all the amazing cafes Melbourne has to offer.
What is your favourite bottom sniffing, ball chasing park?
Both: We would choose the beach over the park any day of the week but this year with Covid restrictions we haven’t been able to get there much.
Who is a member of your Houndz BFF pack?
Both: Anyone who wants to be can.
What is your favourite Houndztooth dog shampoo blend?
Both: Charlie
Did you graduate from puppy school?
Both: Of course with flying colours. I (VL) even learnt how to walk on the treadmill in puppy school. I love the treadmill so much that mama has to put me in the crate if she goes on coz I will do what I can to go on with her.
Have you ever peed out of excitement?
Both: Nope, that would be embarrassing!
Who do you think has the best floof you have ever seen?
Both: Our American buddy @kimcheethemaltipoo who is now living his best life in Germany. Mum and dad actually met him when they visited the US in 2018.
Have you ever felt like you are a super model after being groomed with Houndztooth?
Both: Of course, we get the whole pampered experience. Looking and smelling a million bucks after every wash.
If you could have a doggy super power what would it be and what would you be called?
Frankie: Ensuring all the doggies are looked after and loved as much as me. VL: Being able to open up the fridge and eat whatever I want.
If you are a donut loving doggo and you could be a doughnut flavour what would you be and why?
Frankie: Nutella, can’t have a donut that isn’t filled with Nutella, smooth, rich and beautiful. VL: Any flavor anyone would want me to be.
If you had the attention of the doggy world for just 10 seconds, what would you say?
Both: Let’s eat, drink and be merry.
If you could only keep one toy which one would you keep?
Frankie: I have half of a nerf ball that I love like my baby. VL: Mama gave me a soft lama when I was 5 weeks old, I suckle it before going to sleep. It’s never been washed, smells of wee, my litter mates and saliva, yum.
What three words would you use to describe yourself?
Frankie: Loveable, Handsome and Cuddly VL: Model, Princess and Always Hungry
How many pats do you need a day?
Both: Not so many pats but we need to know where the hooman is 24/7
If a genie gave you three wishes, what would you wish for?
Both: Mama to always stay home, we lived the same amount of time as mama and eat all the food we could at the beach every day without putting on weight.
Do you have any ‘human’ habits?
Frankie: I snore like a freight train but mama says its music to her ears, unlike if dad snores, lol VL: I eat with my paws and with a fork
If you could talk to your owners, what would you say?
Both: Thank you for choosing me, we love you so much and please never leave me. VL also do you have any treaties haha.
How long did you ~really~ take to be toilet trained?
Frankie: A long time, I was almost 6 months old until I was fully trained. VL: I was completely trained at 3 months of age.
If you were a Hollywood celebrity, who would you be?
Frankie: Hmm that’s a tough one, maybe Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson coz he’s built, rich and loves frenchies. VL: Sarah Jessica Parker, she is daring and creative with her style.
If you could have any career in the world, what would you choose?
Frankie: Toy tester VL: Travel the world as a food critic
Ball or chew toy?
Frankie: Hmm that’s tough one, I love both ball and my antler equally VL: Chew toy